MarchAdvancements and Innovations of Biological Sciences in Research and Sustainable Development

About the Conference
Advancements and Innovations of Biological Sciences in Research and Sustainable Development
To bring recent innovations of higher Research of multidisciplinary Sciences or allied fields Like as; Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals, Forensic Sciences Botany, and Zoology, etc. for providing a delightful platform for sharing the in-depth knowledge and better understanding, innovations among the participants and eminent speakers during the National Conference.
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Conference Objectives
Showcase Innovations: Highlight recent advancements in multidisciplinary sciences and allied fields
Share Knowledge: Provide a platform for in-depth knowledge exchange among participants and experts.
Foster Interdisciplinary Understanding: Promote collaboration and integration across diverse scientific disciplines.
Encourage Networking: Facilitate connections and partnerships among researchers, academics, and professionals.
Inspire Creativity: Motivate participants to explore innovative solutions through exposure to cutting-edge research.
Highlights of the Conference:
✨ Excellence Recognition: Winners (Faculties, Research Scholars, Students) awarded for oral and poster presentations.
✨ Prestigious Awards: Mementos, Medals, and Certificates for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd positions.
✨ Inclusive Participation: Awards for diverse categories, encouraging broad participation.
✨ Promote Innovation: Rewards inspire innovative research and presentations.
When Will Start
Saturday March 27, 2025
Time: 09:30 to 16:30
Where is location
Institute of Sciences
Kalpvriksh Auditorium, SAGE University Indore
Call For Papers
Authors are requested to prepare their abstract and paper submissions and send a soft copy through email (aibsbrsd2025@sageuniversity.in). The authors are requested to adhere to the following guidelines.
Submission Guidelines and Ethics:
- 1. Every paper must be accompanied by a cover page, which should include the title of the paper, name of the author and coauthors (if any) their affiliations, resident country and the complete postal and e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.
- 2. The Research Papers should be in a word document format only, Times New Roman, 12 font size with 1.5 line spacing.
- 3. The word limits for the Research Paper should be confined with in 4500 words, and must include the followings
Title of Research Paper, Objectives of the study, Methodology used, Findings, Conclusions, Recommendations. Limitations (if any), Acknowledgement (if any), future scope, References etc. - 4. Abstracts should be limited to 300 words only.
- 5. Plagiarism should not exceed beyond 10%.
- 6. Poster may be printed on a flex or hand made with appropriate size (3 feet length and 4 feet width (3 x4). [Title, Affiliation with email id, Introduction, Materials & Methods (in flow chart), Result, Conclusions, and Acknowledgement]
Participants would be informed through a mail for the acceptance of their respective papers/abstracts (for oral and poster presentations). The decision of the review committee will be final.
Winner of each category (Faculties, Research Scholars and Students) would get the Memento, Medal and Certificates for First, Second and Third positions in the following categories
✨ For the oral presentation
✨ For the Poster presentation.

Keynote Speakers
Dr. D. K. Upreti
CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Prof. Dr. M.Z. Abdin
Ph.D., MNASc
Director, Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development Head, Department of Biotechnology,
Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi.

Prof. Dr. Amal Chandra Mondal
Professor in Cellular & Molecular Neurobiology
School of Life Science
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

Dr. Hem Chandra Jha
Department of Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Indore

Dr. Trina Bose
Scientist – C
Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, Bharat


Dr Dipul Kumar Biswas
Assistant Professor
Institute of Sciences
SAGE University, Indore

Dr Manisha Singh Dikhit
Assistant Professor
Institute of Sciences
SAGE University, Indore

Important Dates
18/03/2025 Abstract Submission
24/03/2025 Full Research Paper