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Take off your career with the help of Cyber Security & Digital Forensics

We are happy to announce that Institute of Advance Computing at SAGE University, Indore is organizing a webinar in association with Cialfor Consulting Pvt. Ltd. Pune on the topic "Take off your career with the help of Cyber Security & Digital Forensics." 

Cyber-attacks are now so common that a recent study at the University of Maryland, USA suggested that hackers attack a computer in every 30 seconds.

In this webinar industry experts working in the field of cyber security will explain why cyber-security is so important in today’s world. There will be live demonstrations of common cyber attacks that may happen to you anytime and how to prevent those attacks and stay cyber-safe. 

?? Please join us in this amazing webinar on 23rd June at 11:00 am on the given zoom meeting link.

Meeting ID: 723 7379 4955
Passcode: TheSAGE

#sageuniversity #advancecomputing #iac #sui #webinar #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #datascience #cybersecurity 

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Take off your career with the help of Cyber Security & Digital Forensics