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SAGE Institutes of Arts, Humanities


Humanities are a vast field and defining it within a few words is very difficult. In general, humanities deal with the study and understanding of the ‘human condition’. This includes unearthing the historical background, understanding the reasons behind the evolution of human behavior, socio-cultural, economic and political systems in the human society. Humanities offer a vast range of career options for students. Many opportunities are available in present times for an arts graduate if he has knowledge related with subjects like political science, geography, history, English, economics & psychology

Our graduates-to-be will become effective communicators and critical thinkers; the degree equips them with the ability to pursue professional and academic opportunities of their interest. The holistic nature of the program empowers students to take up a wide range of internships, projects and field work.

Students who have completed their graduation in arts can opt for a variety of careers in humanities ranging from Assistant Administrative Officer, to Content Editors to Librarian.


To endeavour for enhancing the humanitarian capital of the society and cater the limitless possibilities.


-::-M1. To get enriched with knowledge and spread the light with the team of dedicated professionals.

-::-To create and develop professionals and officers by providing update and goal oriented education.

Salient Features of our institute:

-::-Course curriculum of our programs is well designed as per the current industry & academic demand.

-::-Personality development training to boost confidence & make our student shine out in the crowd

-::-Integrative teaching practices which ensures student’s participation in via subject-related presentations, project work, field surveys etc.

-::-Co-curricular activities & competitive events to promote out-of-the-box thinking

-::-Fun-based activity & cultural events to provide platform to showcase their talent.

-::-Guest lecture by subject & industry experts on continues basis, special lectures on specific events

-::-Experience & research oriented teachers to assist students at every step of intellectual & academic development


University Brochure :