Call For Admission

Best University in Indore

Name - Ritu Tandon (18ENG7CSE0013)

Branch - Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty - Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Date of Registration - 26th February 2019

Supervisor - Dr. Shweta Agrawal.

Date of Ph.D. Viva - 22nd June 2022

Title - Study of Various Deep Learning Models for Detection of Lung Cancer in Medical Imaging at Early Stage

1. Ms. Ritu Tandon, Dr. Shweta Agrawal, Dr. Parag Goyal. Sequential convolutional neural network for automatic breast cancer image classification using histopathological images. JCR. 2020; 7(15): 6104-6117. doi:10.31838/jcr.07.15.779 (Published Scopus indexed)
2. Ms. Ritu Tandon, Dr. Shweta Agrawal, Deep learning methods for identification of lung carcinoma using CT images. Journal of the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda volume-55 No. 1(II) – ISSN 0025-2422.
3. Ms. Ritu Tandon, Dr. Shweta Agrawal, Dr. Parag Goyal . Systematic review on deep learning based cancer detection and diagnosis model. Archives of computational methods in engineering, Springer SCI Indexed (Communicated))
4. Ms. Ritu Tandon, Dr. Shweta Agrawal “ VCNet: Hybrid deep learning model for detection and classification of lung carcinoma using chest radiographs” published in Frontiers, SCI Indexed 

5. One book chapter on “Automatic lung carcinoma identification and classification in CT images using deep learning model” is published in augmented intelligence in healthcare: A pragmatic and integrated analysis, Springer.

PhD. Thesis in Computer Science & Engineering under faculty of Engineering & Technology of "Ritu Tandon (18ENG7CSE0013)" on title " Study of Various Deep Learning Models for Detection of Lung Cancer in Medical Imaging at Early Stage " uploaded on Shodhganga. 

Click on the link for the uploaded Ph.D. Thesis -