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Best University in Indore

Name - Naveen Shankar (18ENG7CIV0004)

Branch - Civil Engineering

Faculty - Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Date of Registration - 9th March 2019

Supervisor - Dr. Basant Kumar.

Date of Ph.D. Viva - 24th November 2022

Title - Optimal Use & Economic Analysis of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements for Indian Road Network

1 Naveen Shankar, Dr. Basant Kumar, (2021), “Preservation of Indian National Highways Using Asphalt Recycling Techniques” Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TQJQI), e- ISSN: 1309-6591, Volume 12, Issue 6, July (2021), 7028:7042. (SCOPUS).

2 Naveen Shankar, Dr. Basant Kumar, (2021), “Rehabilitation of Existing Indian National Highways with Cold in-Place Recycling Technique Using Foamed Bitumen” A Cost-Effective Tool” Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TQJQI), e- ISSN: 1309-6591, Volume 12, Issue 6, July (2021), 7769:7783. (SCOPUS).

3 Naveen Shankar, Dr. Basant Kumar, Atul Bhatore, Kishan Widhani, (2020), “Effective Methodology for Timely Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Old Existing Bituminous Roads of Madhya Pradesh”. National Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Innovative Technologies (NCIRIT-2020), SIRT, SAGE university Indore.

4 Naveen Shankar, Dr. Basant Kumar, Atul Bhatore, Kishan Widhani, “Effective Methodology for Timely Rehabilitation and Up-gradation of Old Existing Bituminous Roads of Madhya Pradesh. Wesleyan Journal of Research (An International Research Journal. ISSN: 0975-1386, Volume No 14 No. I (XXX):2021(UGC approved), Peer reviewed and refereed journal.