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Best University in Indore

Name - Neha Rathod (19SCI7MTH0001)

Branch - Mathematics

Faculty - Faculty of Science

Date of Registration - 24th October 2019

Supervisor - Dr. Anil Agrawal.

Date of Ph.D. Viva - 31st December 2022

Title - A Study of the Applications of Discovery Model of Mathematics on recent Science and Technology

1.      Neha Rathod, Dr Anil Agrawal “The Ability of students increases for Mathematical problem solving after learning by discovery method can help in shaping a better world” “TEST Engineering & Management” May-June2020, Page No.23720-23724, ISSN: 0193-4120 SCOPUS INDEXED JOURNAL ,

2.      Neha Rathod, Dr Anil Agrawal “ In the recent developed mathematics education the contribution of Vedic and Indian mathematics” presented at National Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and Innovative Technologies(NCIRIT 2020) at SAGE University, Indore and published in “WESLEYAN Journal of Research,Vol.14 No1(XIV) “An International Journal, ISSN: 0975-1386 ,UGC Care Approved, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal.

3.      Neha Rathod, Dr Anil Agrawal “The Application of number theory on the achievement of discoveries in mathematical science”“International journal of engineering science and computing” Volume 11 Issue No.06, ISSN 2250-1371, June, 2021, UGC Care Approved, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal.

4.       Neha Rathod, Dr Anil Agrawal “To Study the relationship between Mathematical, Concepts and its application on Cryptography “ZEICHEN Journal of Research”, Volume 7, Issue12, December 2021, ISSN: 0932-4747 UGC Care Approved Group II, journals, Peer Reviewed and Referred Journal.