Call For Admission

Best University in Indore

Name - Anuradha Bhalerao Pawar (19ENG7ECE0005)

Branch - Electronics & Communication Engineering

Faculty - Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Date of Registration - 1st November 2019

Supervisor - Dr. Nidhi Tiwari, Associate Professor.

Date of Ph.D. Viva - 24th May 2023

Title - Efficient DDoS Attack Detection Using Ensemble of Neural Network

[1]. Anuradha Pawar, Nidhi Tiwari; A Survey On Ddos Attack Detection In Wsn Using Deep Neural Network and Opportunities In Spiking Neural Network", International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and System (IJIES), published in “International Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Technology (IJEET), Volume 11, Issue 10, December 2020.
[2]. Anuradha Pawar, Nidhi Tiwari, “A Novel Approach of DDOS Attack Classification with Optimizing the Ensemble Classifier using A Hybrid Firefly and Particle Swarm Optimization (HFPSO)”, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and System (IJIES). (Accepted for publications).
[3]. Anuradha Pawar, Nidhi Tiwari, “An Ensemble System by Combining SNN and Convolution Classifiers using Fuzzy Logic” published in NeuroQuantology November 2022 | Volume 20 | Issue 19.
[4]. Anuradha Pawar, Nidhi Tiwari, “A Novel Approach of DDOS Attack Classification with Genetic Algorithm-Optimized Spiking Neural Network”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology. (Communicated).