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Name - Chaitanya Dev Singh Sisodiya (17MGT7MGT0002)

Branch - Management

Faculty - Faculty of Management

Date of Registration - 15th December 2017

Supervisor - Dr. Sanjeev Singhal.

Date of Ph.D. Viva - 20th October 2021

Title - "An Exploratory Study of Opportunities and Challenges of Education Tourism In India"

1. Chaitanya Dev Singh Sisodiya, (2018). Current Scenario of Educational Tourism in India. AJEEE(Accent Journal of Economics Ecology & Engineering), ISSN: 2456-1037 National Journal (Special For Language (Humanities), & Engineering) EIF:3.588 MLJIF: 2.104 Vol 3, No 9, Conference (IC-RASEM).

2. Chaitanya Dev Singh Sisodiya, (2018). An Impact of Internet of Things (IoT) On Education & Tourism Sector. IJRECE (International Journal of Research in Electronics and Computer Engineering), A Unit of I2OR IJRECE VOL. 6 ISSUE, ISSN:2393-9028 (PRINT) | ISSN: 2348-2281 (ONLINE).

3. Chaitanya Dev Singh Sisodiya, (2019). Study in India” an initiative to develop India as an education destination. IJRAR (International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews), Volume 6, Issue 1 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, PISSN 2349-5138).

4. Chaitanya Dev Singh Sisodiya, (2019). The Future Education With Artificial Intelligence, IJREAM (International Journal For Research In Engineering Application & Management), ISSN: 2454-9150, Vol-05, Issue-02, IJREAMV05I0250273 DOI:10.35291/2454-9150.2019.0149.

5. Chaitanya Dev Singh Sisodiya, (2019). Superlative Facilities Will Be The Key To Attract More Foreign Students, Think India Journal, ISSN:0971-1260, Vol-22- Issue-14.

PhD. Thesis in Economics and Business Management under faculty of Management of Chaitanya Dev Singh Sisodiya (17MGT7MGY0002) on title "An Exploratory Study of Opportunities and Challenges of Education Tourism In India" uploaded on Shodhganga. 

Click on the link for the uploaded Ph.D. Thesis - http://hdl.handle.net/10603/385468