Call For Admission

Best University in Indore

Name - Shilpa Savaner (19SCI7MIB0003)

Branch - Microbiology

Faculty - Faculty of Science

Date of Registration - 10th April 2020

Supervisor - Dr. Smruti Sohani, Professor.

Date of Ph.D. Viva - 24th July 2023

Title - Optimization of Starch Degradation Microorganisms to Using Natural Resources from Selected Flour Mills of Indore City

 List of Paper Published - 


1. S. Savaner and S. Sohani,“Study on physiochemical parameters of some selected flour mills soil samples” Phalanx: A Quarterly Review for Continuing Debate (UGC Care Listed Journal), ISSN:2320-7698, Vol-18 No.1 January- March 2023; 208-215.

2. S. Savaner and S. Sohani. “The hydrolysis of starch for the production of amylase with special reference to bacteria”. Ravindra Bharti Journal of Philosophy (UGC Care, Group 1 Journal),ISSN:0973-0087, Vol-XXIV, Issue
1, 2023.
3. S. Savaner and S. Sohani. “Review on microbial a-amylase, types & their industrial application. “Kala Sarovar (UGC Care Group -1 Journal),ISSN:0975- 4520, Vol-23 No- 04(III) October-December-2020;105-111.