Call For Admission

Best University in Indore

Name - Gaurav Shrivastava (19ENG7INT0003)

Branch - Information Technology

Faculty - Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Date of Registration - 10th April 2020

Supervisor - Dr. Sachin Patel, Associate Professor.

Date of Ph.D. Viva - 9th October 2023

Title - A Secure Cloud Storage Framework Using Policy Attribute-Based Adaptive Keyword Search Scheme

1. Gaurav Shrivastava and Dr. Sachin Patel, “A Survey to Identify Need of Modern Security Frameworks in Cloud Computing” in Design Engineering (SCOPUS indexed) with ISSN 9719-9734 2021 (9) PP 9719-9734. 


2. Gaurav Shrivastava and Dr. Sachin Patel, “A Comprehensive Research on Emerging Challenges in Cloud Computing Architecture” Dogo Rangsan Research Journal (UGC CARE Journal) with ISSN 2347-7180, 2021:11 (8) PP 1-6.

3. Gaurav Shrivastava and Dr. Sachin Patel, “Hybrid Confidentiality framework for Secured Cloud Computing”, 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology, Bangalore, Karnataka, India (IEEE Xplore & Scopus Indexed) DOI: 10.1109/GCAT55367.2022.9972165, 07-09 October 2022.

4. Gaurav Shrivastava and Dr. Sachin Patel, Secure Storage and Data Sharing Scheme Using Private Blockchain-Based HDFS Data Storage for Cloud Computing, International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications
(IJCNA) (SCOPUS indexed), ISSN: 2395-0455, DOI: 10.22247/ijcna/2023/ 218509, PP 28-38.

5. Gaurav Shrivastava and Dr. Sachin Patel, User-based Adaptive search using elliptic curve cryptography and message digest for a secure cloud storage Mechanism, Global Conference on Information Technologies and
Communications (GCITC) hosted by REVA University Bangalore, IEEE conference record number: 60406 (IEEE Xplore & Scopus Indexed) 1-3 December 2023 (Accepted)