Call For Admission

Best University in Indore

Name - Anand Singh Gadwal (18ENG7CSE0002)

Branch - Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty - Faculty of Engineering & Technology

Date of Registration - 9th February 2019

Supervisor - Dr. Lalji Prasad, Professor..

Date of Ph.D. Viva - 22nd December 2023

Title - Comprehensive Study of Automation Testing Tools and Determine Issue in Open-Source Selenium Webdriver Through Integration Techniques

1. Gadwal, Anand & Prasad, Lalji. (2020). “Comparative Review of the Literature of Automated Testing Tools”, Wesleyan Journal of Research. 10.1314/RG.2.2.36836 19848. (UGC Care listed).

2. Gadwal, Anand & Prasad, Lalji. (2022). “Impact of Selenium in Automation Testing: Challenges and Opportunities”, NeuroQuantology Journal, December 2022, Volume 20, Issue 22, Pg. 2789-2801, DOI: 10.48047/NQ.2022.20.22. NQ10272. (Scopus Indexed).

3. Gadwal, Anand & Prasad, Lalji. (2023), “Design and Implementation of an Automation Testing framework for Enhancing Selenium Webdriver.” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer science (communicated).

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