Call For Admission

Best University in Indore

Name - Saleha Syed Ismail Saudagar (19ENG7CSE0021)

Branch - Computer Science & Engineering

Faculty - Faculty of Engineering & technology

Date of Registration - 9th April 2020

Supervisor - Dr. Rekha Ranawat, Associate Professor.

Date of Ph.D. Viva - 6th March 2024

Title - Applying Machine Learning to Enhance Security in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network

1. S. Saudagar, Ranawat, “An Amalgamated Novel IDS Model for Misbehaviour Detection using VeReMiNet”, under review in Computer standard and Interface: Elsevier Indexed in SCI,2023. 

2. S. Saudagar, R. Ranawat, “Attack Detection and Classification for misbehaving Vehicles in Vehicular Networks using ML/DL”, Accepted for publication in International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in
Computing and Communication, A Scopus-Indexed journal ISSN: 2321- 8169.
3. S. Saudagar and R. Ranawat,” Vehicular Communication security issues resolution using various machine learning algorithm” Industrial Engineering Journal ISSN: 0970-2555, Vol 52, Issue 5, May 2023.
4. S. Saudagar and R. Ranawat, "Detecting Vehicular Networking Node Misbehaviour Using Machine Learning," IEEE Xplore digital library,2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT), Goa,
India, 2023, pp. 1-3, DOI: 10.1109/ICONAT57137.2023.10080114.
5. S. Saudagar, Dr. R. P. Mahajan, “Solving Vehicular ad hoc network issue using machine learning”, International journal of creative research and technology, Vol 9 Issue 4, April 2021.

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