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Dr. Lalji Prasad

Professor & Head of Institutes

Institutes of Advance Computing

SAGE University Indore

Dr. Lalji Prasad Professor and Head of Institute,Computer Science & Engineering, SAGE University, Kailod Kartal, By Pass Road Indore-452020. Qualification: 1. Ph.D. (Computer Science & Engineering) on “Comprehensive study of Holistic procedure and object oriented software testing tool”, Govt. Technical University (RGPV),Bhopal. 2. Master of Engineering (M.E.) in Computer Science of Engineering Specializaarch in Software Engineering and Theory of Computation.


Software Testing

Software Reliability


Software Engineering

Theory of Computation

Discrete Mathematics

Operating Systems

Experimental analysis of different metrics (object-oriented and structural) of software

L Prasad, A Nagar

2009 First International Conference on Computational Intelligence

Diabetic retinopathy detection and classification using capsule networks

G Kalyani, B Janakiramaiah, A Karuna, LV Prasad

Complex & Intelligent Systems, 1-14

A comparative study: reverse engineering flowcharting tools

N Tiwari, L Prasad


Measurement of Software Reliability Using Sequential Bayesian Technique

L Prasad, A Gupta, S Badoria

Proceedings of the world congress on Engineering and Computer Science 1, 20-22

Automatic rice plant disease recognition and identification using convolutional neural network

NPS Rathore, L Prasad

Journal of Critical Reviews 7 (15), 6076-6086

Military object detection in defense using multi-level capsule networks

B Janakiramaiah, G Kalyani, A Karuna, LV Prasad, M Krishna

Soft Computing, 1-15

A full featured component (object oriented) based architecture testing tool

SS Bhadauria, A Kothari, L Prasad

International Journal Of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 8 (4), 618

Measurement of software using various construct in information model

L Prasad, R Yadav, A Kothari

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computing …

Efficient crowd counting model using feature pyramid network and ResNeXt

G Kalyani, B Janakiramaiah, LV Prasad, A Karuna, AM Babu

Soft Computing 25 (15), 10497-10507

Transformation of analysis model to design model

L Prasad, NPS Rathore, S Patidar, S Bhaduria

2010 International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics IPEDR …

Intelligent system for leaf disease detection using capsule networks for horticulture

B Janakiramaiah, G Kalyani, LV Prasad, A Karuna, M Krishna

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 1-17

A systematic literature review of automated software testing tool

L Prasad, R Yadav, N Vore

Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Computing Informatics

Design Architecture Class Diagram for a Comprehensive Testing Tool

SS BHADAURIA¹, A Kothari, L Prasad

How to realization architectural testing model using measurement metrics

L Prasad, SS Bhadauria

A hot beverage dispensing machine(3 IN One UTILITY DISPENSER )

VA Lalji Prasad

Indian patent

A comprehensive review of deep learning models for plant disease identification and prediction

NPS Rathore, L Prasad

International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation

A Studty On Edge Computing

Dr. Lalji Prasad and Rahul Patel

Wesleyan Journal of Research , 14 (No1(XIV)), 131-138

Feature based Comparative study of reverse Engineering software tools

LPK Balde

Wesleyan Journal of Research , 14 (No1(XIV)), 144-152

Design and fabrication of pick and place micro-grippers


Electronic traffic breach recognition and E-Fine System

RT Lalji Prasad,Rachna Raghuwanshi

Indian patent

Quick response code based vehicle verification and challan Generation System - QRCVVCGS

NG Lalji Prasad

Indian patent

System for Attention Detection based on speech and facial expressions and method thereof

abhay kothari Lalji Prasad,Ati jain

Indian patent

Quick response codebased Acedemic Record and Certificate Varification Device (SARVD)

RT Lalji Prasad,Shweta Agrawal

Indian patent

Method for conversation analysis between service seeker & professional service provider

H Lalji Prasad,Abhay kothari

Indian patent

Quick response code based medical information device

H Lalji Prasad,Shweta Agrawal

Indian patent

Text Summarization Using Themanctic hierarchy algoritham

A Khare, L Prasad

Study of Reverse Engineering and Assessment of RIGI and Imagix 4D

JU Lalji Prasad

ijca 5 (Issue-5), 54-62

Validation of Software Architecture for Object-Oriented Testing using with the Facilitate Quality Attributes

L Prasad, SS Bhadauria

International Journal of Computer Applications 61 (2)

How to use Design Concept in Object Oriented Theory

L Prasad, N Pal, S Patidar, S Bhadauria

Study of Procedural and Component Based Design of a Full Featured HOLISTIC Software Testing Tool

L Prasad


Empirical Study of Software Reusability

P Tiwari, L Prasad

Association between different types of Testing Method using Absolute Architecture

L Prasad, SS Bhadauria

Deep Learning an Approach in Software Engineering

N Tiwari, L Prasad

Comparative review of the literature of automated testing tools

AS Gadwal, L Prasad

Design and Implementation Hybrid Approach for Content Based Image Classification

BS Gurudatta, L Prasad

Validation of software products (Object-Oriented Technique) Using with facilitate quality attributes-A Holistic approach for software qualitative Design