B.Sc. (Hons.) Forensic Sciences is a 3-year undergraduate course divided into 6-semesters. Forensic science is typically defined as the application of all sciences to criminal and civil laws but mainly on the criminal side during criminal investigations. The word forensic comes from the Latin word “forensics” which means forum. The study of forensic science is divided into two parts the lab work and the fieldwork. The fieldwork includes the investigation of the crime scene by searching and collecting the evidence to find the type and cause of crime and this collected evidences are being analyzed or tested in the lab which helps to apprehend the guilty. The course involves the advanced study of:
Such postgraduates have opportunities in Forensic Labs (Govt. or private lab) , Detective agencies, banks, law firms, Police Department, Quality Control Bureau to work as Junior Forensic Expert, Legal counselors, crime scene investigator, crime reporter, Investigative officers, Handwriting analyst.
3 Yrs 6 Sem 60 |